Allstay Hotel Semarang with the program named of “Allstay Berbagi” CSR program on this occasion visited the Ahbaabul Mukhtar orphanage which is located at Kaliancar street RT 01, RW 02 Podorejo, Ngaliyan Semarang. This activity is carried out in the form of friendship and spreading kindness in the month of Ramadan. This orphanage has been established since December 2017 and currently accommodates 23 children ranging from the age of 6 until 16 years old. Apart from attending formal school, the children of this orphanage are also spending more time with reading and memorizing the holy Al-quran verses.
Allstay Hotel Semarang visit orphanage on Monday, 19 April 2021 was not only of friendship, this activity was also carried out in the context of providing support in the form of assistance in fulfilling basic needs and also give equipment for cleaning to can completed the needs of the children at the orphanage.
“In our visit which coincides in the month of Ramadhan, apart of being a form of friendship, we also hope that Allstay Hotel Semarang can provide benefits for the younger siblings in this orphanage and can foster a sense of concern among each other” said Mr. Shodik as General Manager of Allstay Hotel Semarang.
Other than that, representatives of the management of the Ashaabul Mukhtar orphanage, Mr. Ulin also welcomed with Allstay Hotel Semarang visit, in his response. “I say thank you very much with Allstay Hotel Semarang which has taken the time to visit the children here and provide a very valuable help for us, hopefully all the goodness can be repaid by God.” The response.
This CSR program visits the orphanage by Allstay Hotel Semarang is carried out as an annual program have a hope if Allstay Hotel Semarang it will be able to provide benefits and be able to help the surrounding community.