Employment Creation Law Policy, Boost the Property Sector for Investment.
PT. Kota Satu Properti Tbk (SATU) Ready to Be Nominated

PT. Kota Satu Properti Tbk (SATU) is one of the developers who welcomes the issuance of derivative rules from the Job Creation Act. In the policy of the Job Creation Law, it is explained that there are points that can be changed and are able to create a better investment climate in Indonesia, including the property sector.

As stated in the second part of paragraph 1 article 7 of the Job Creation Law, which states that the Government provides for the application of risk-based business licensing based on the determination of the risk level and business scale rating according to its assessment and potential. The hazard level assessment is carried out by taking into account the type, criteria, location, and limited business resources.

Furthermore, there is a simplification of the basic requirements for business permits, land acquisition, and land use which includes the suitability of space utilization activities, environmental approvals, building approvals and function-worthy certificates. As well as the simplification of the sector’s business and investment requirements. The provisions for this intended simplification cover the issue of capital and its mechanism. In terms of this investment, the government also regulates investment provisions in Special Economic Zones (SEZ), free trade areas and free ports, National Strategy Projects (PSN), to investment management institutions.

“This change that facilitates investment actually provides legal certainty and investment certainty, including in terms of licensing and even simplification of some elements of investment requirements for all of us. So this policy can actually be the key to move and strengthen purchasing power in the property sector, especially in the midst of a pandemic such as Yes, of course, as a property developer, we will also actively welcome this policy, to increase market confidence.” responsive, Johan P Santoso as the President Director of PT. Kota Satu Properti.