Amaya Home Resort, Subsidiary of PT Kota Satu Properti Tbk (SATU) Had The First Amaya Community Gathering Online

Amaya Home Resort held its First Online Gathering activity which was held on February 26, 2022. Carrying the theme “Introduction to Amaya Home Resort” this activity aims to provide approximately 75 participants who have joined the Amaya Community with knowledge about Amaya Home Resort. Topics that were shared included the types of houses at Amaya Home Resort along with their specifications, great facilities, and product prices. This briefing must be done considering that one of the advantages of joining the Amaya Community is to provide referrals for prospective buyers of Amaya Home Resort.

“This Amaya Community Gathering will be held regularly. In addition to being a means for share information, I believe this gathering can also give strengthen relations between members, as well as for the means of registering new members.” Sales Coordinator Amaya Home Resort, Eliza Indriani said.

In addition to introducing the Amaya Home Resort, Amaya Community Members are also explained about the member privileges that will be obtained when they become part of the Amaya Community. In addition, to enliven the event, Amaya Home Resort has also provided quiz prizes in the form of E-Toll Cards for 5 winners.
Amaya Home Resort will also hold a Fresh Market event which will be held on Sunday, March 6, 2022 and located at Club House Amaya Home Resort. Collaborating with Hortimart which is a private company engaged in agribusiness. This Fresh Market provides fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the garden.

“This Fresh Market concept is considered suitable to further introduce Amaya Home Resort with the theme of a home resort and promote the natural atmosphere of the mountains to the wider community. In addition, Amaya Home Resort is located in the Ungaran toll exit area which is also very supportive,” concluded Eliza.
Amaya Community is a program from Amaya Home Resort at the general public who wants to have side income, by helping sell housing units at Amaya Home Resorts, with a commission of 1% of the net price / DPP. This program received a positive response from the community and residents, with many participants who eventually registered themselves to become part of the Amaya Community.ommunity.